Engels, Boek, Competency Profiles, Youssef Yacob


Engels, Boek, COMPETENCY PROFILES, Youssef Yacob.

De sleutel tot leiderschapsontwikkeling voor gelovigen met een moslimachtergrond.


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Engels, Boek, Bekwaamheidsprofielen, Youssef Yacob.


The Key to Leadership Development for Muslim Background Believers


De sleutel tot leiderschapsontwikkeling voor gelovigen met een moslimachtergrond.

Een van de dringende noden vandaag voor de opkomende kerk in voorheen minst bereikte landen is goed trainingsmateriaal. Dit onderzoek is een waardevolle bijdrage om te begrijpen wat er nodig is om diegenen te trainen die God roept tot leiderschap. In het verleden heeft een gebrek aan cultureel geschikte materialen de groei van de kerk belemmerd. De inzichten in dit boek zullen helpen om dit te corrigeren.

  • Afmetingen: 21,6 x 14 x 0,6 cm
  • Uitvoering: paperback
  • Pagina’s: 114
  • Gewicht: 156 gram


Competency Profiles:

The Key to Leadership Development for Muslim Background Believers

One of the urgent needs today for the emerging church in previously least reached countries is good training material. This research is a valuable contribution to understanding what is needed to train those God is calling into leadership. In the past, a lack of culturally appropriate materials has hinderet church growth. The insights in this book will help to correct this. I warmly commend it to you (Dr. Howard Norrissh).


There is a tendency for colleges and seminaries in the majority world to base their training programmes on patterns too closely on Western models. This often results in programmes that may be strong academically but are weak in terms of preparing students for the challenges they face in their cultural context. Based on this research, his many years of involvement as a leader in the growing church in Algeria and his experience in developing training programmes, Youssef Yacob presents a unique insight into the challenges and struggles of providing appropriate leadership training in Algeria. In particular, he identifies critical elements that should be incorporated in the preparation of effective leaders -characterdevelopment, identity in Christ, teamwork and mentoring, servant-hood, biblical knowledge. His findings an refletions provide an invaluable blueprint for similar training programme around the Islamic world. (Rev. Dr. C David Harley, formerly Principal of All Nations Christian College an General Director of OMF International)

The idea that Christian and western leadership training can be easily transferred to another culture is challenged if not destroyed by this book. The author points us in the direction of character development and practical competencies as the way forward in developing spiritual leaders in Algeria. His conclusions need to be considered by all who are training spiritual leaders regardless of location. The author ponts out that leaders are only developed as we engage with their ‘head, heard, handas and feet’. If you want top develop spiritual leaders in your own or someone else’s culture this book will stimulate your thinking. If we pay attention of this text we may be delivered from wasted time and effort focusing on a secondary agenda with an inadequate strategy. If we pay attention to Youssef’s conclusions we just might be able to change the world. (Rev. Dr. Viv Thomas, Direcctor of Formation)

About the Author

Youssef is a native Algerian raised in a conservative Muslim family. After a successful career as a professional soccer player and manager he joined Operation Mobilization in 1980 and has led its work in Algeria together with his wife Hee Tee since 1988. As one of the key leaders Youssef and Hee Tee minister through TV and radio, literature printing and distribution, sports ministry, and relief projects. Through the Timothy Training School they train workers for the Algerian churches and now for the nations. Youssef and Hee Tee have three daughters.

