Turks, Bijbel, Studiebijbel, Groot formaat, Harde kaft
€ 31,95
Turks, STUDIEBIJBEL, Full-Life Study Bible, Groot formaat, Harde kaft.
Een zeer geliefde Studiebijbel doordat hij in de voetnoten en informatie elementen de nadruk legt op een leven dat dynamisch is en vol van de kracht van de Geest.
Slechts 2 resterend op voorraad
Turks, Studiebijbel.
Deze studiebijbel is gebaseerd op de vertaling TBS 2001.
De voetnoten, inleidingen en uitleggende artikelen zijn gebaseerd op de NIV-Study Bible, maar voor het Turkse lezerspubliek bewerkt.
Bevat o.a.:
* tekstverwijzingen
* uitleggingen
* inleiding bij elk Bijbelboek
* thematische concordantie
* 130 blz. concordantie
* kaarten en grafieken
• Afmetingen: 24 x 16,5 x 4,2 cm
• Uitvoering: gebonden, harde kaft
• Pagina’s: 2098
• Gewicht: 1,426 kg
Açıklamalı Kutsal Kitap
Kutsal Kitap’ın başındaki Yaratılış Kitabı’ndan en sondaki Vahiy Kitabı’na kadar olan altmış altı kitap arasındaki bağlantı, ilahi mesajın bir bütün olarak anlaşılması açısından hayati öneme sahiptir; işte Açıklamalı Kutsal Kitap’taki açıklama notlarının temel konusu ve amacı da bu anlaşılırlığa yardım etmektir.
Açıklamalı Kutsal Kitap, Kutsal Kitap ana metni, metinde geçen ayetlerin analizi ve ayet alt birimlerine ilişkin açıklama ve yorum notları, ayrıntılı kitap girişleri, yüz bine yakın çapraz referansın yer aldığı orta sütun referans sistemi, otuz beş bine yakın referans içeren ABC dizini, konu ve harita dizini, çizelgeler, haritalar, özel bilgi kutuları ve temel konulara ilişkin makalelerden oluşmaktadır. Kutsal Kitap metnine, hemen her çağdaş çeviride olduğu gibi, bölümün içeriğine uygun alt başlıklar eklenmiştir.
Study Bible
The Study Bible gives you everything you are looking for in a Bible — practical, application-oriented notes on nearly every page, as well as in-depth study helps to increase your understanding of God’s Word. Included in this Bible are today’s most popular study tools;
- a complete cross reference system,
- easy-to-read maps and charts near the texts you are studying,
- informative book introductions,
- a detailed subject index,
- a concordance,
- 16 full-color maps with a handy map index.
The Full-Life Study Bible also includes these unique features specifically designed for Spirit-filled Christians.
Themefinders: 12 symbols located in the margin indicating verses that address specific themes such as: Baptized in/Filled with the Holy Spirit,Gifts of the Spirit, and Healing.
Study Notes: Bring a practical focus for deeper understanding.
Articles: 77 articles that address a wide variety of topics of doctrinal and particle importance. Charts: 5 charts uniquely designed for this Bible, such as Old Testament, Prophecies Fulfilled in Christ.
The Full Life Bible Study was written and reviewed by pastors and scholars who were committed to creating a standard by which Spirit-filled Christians could study, preach, and teach.
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